The providers of electric energy distribution in Brazil face a number of challenges to keep working and well succeed in the sector. The regulation, the demand, the social and environmental challenges and the questions inherent to the electricity distribution business, like measurement equipment replacement/improvements and the control of potential frauds are only some examples of these challenges.
KNBS collaborates with companies of electric energy distribution in different fronts, helping them to meet these challenges and find innovative solutions to their business questions.
With focus on this business segment, KNBS have participated and participates of R & D projects according to the patterns of ANEEL, creating, developing and delivering solutions in various business areas: intelligent measurement, non technical losses (or commercial losses), Energy efficiency, planning of new business in telecommunication and electric grids, consolidation of inventories, social and environmental management, smart grid AMIs and others.
The solutions developed by KNBS with the ANEEL, FINEP and FAPESP R&D funds become trustable products that offer positive return to the business of the providers of electric energy distribution.
You can see some examples of our R & D projects and of their resulting products, navigating by the products and solutions pages through the main menu, finding some of our successful cases or contacting us directly.